Retail Products That Sell

Lymphedema Treatments & DME

Under Pressure: PAP, IPPB, and Other Therapies

Care Plans

Spring Cleaning

What Are You Proud Of?

On Site Follow Up VS Written Follow Up


New Year’s Resolutions

Ending the Year in Style

The Surveyor’s Questions

Quality Improvement Indicators

What Goes on the Truck (and What Doesn’t)

Mission & Vision: The First Standard for a Reason

Happy New Fiscal Year

The Human Resource File

The Value of Conventions, Conferences, and In-Person Seminars

'Best If Used By...’ --A Look at Products with Expiration Dates & How They Are Surveyed

Creative Ways to Deal with Supply Chain Issues

HQAA Standards Version 3.0

A New Year: A New Company

Jim Moyer: When Friends Retire

I’m Thankful For...

Compliance Programs

The Buck Stops Here: Leadership & DME Organizations


Independence Day

Contract Staff

Record Retention

Mail Order

Back Up Equipment

Background Checks




Working Remote

When a Surveyor Calls…

Revisiting Retail Showrooms

Trying to Reason with the Hurricane Season

OSHA: More Than Just a Lunchroom Poster

Team Building & Your DME

Competency Assessments

Sentinel Events

Financials & Accreditation

What is DMEPOS?

Holiday Audits

Patient Record Review

The NEW Most-Commonly Cited Standards

Survey Process Post Covid

The Customer is Always Right: The Ultimate Sales ‘Hack’

Are You Ready to Re-Open?

The ‘New Normal’ in DME

Passing Time During A Pandemic

Infection Control Review In The Era of Covid-19

HANDWASHING: The Advanced Class

Cleaning Equipment

New Year’s Resolutions

Five ‘Good Business’ Tips for the Holiday Season

Customer Complaints Can Be a ‘Good Thing’

Facebook, Twitter, and Websites: Your DME On Line

Effective ‘Onboarding’ & Improving Employee Retention Rates

Put Your Best Foot Forward: The Art of the Effective Set Up Packet

Carrying the Beeper: DME Staff & On Call

Staffing Issues & Summer Vacations

Oxygen Fire Safety in DME

Fire Safety in DME

Five Indispensable People Every DME Needs

Personnel File Audits

Mistakes from the Past

A DME Christmas Tale

DME Policy Manuals

Hepatitis B and DME Personnel

Are You ‘Any Willing Provider’?

Re-inventing Your DME

Death, Dying & DME

Ongoing Staff Education in Your HME Organization

Isn’t All Ventilator Care ‘Clinical'?

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

A Brief History of Home Oxygen Therapy

The Lost Art of Customer Service

Resolutions for the New Year - DME Style

HIPAA – Ten Years Old & Still an Issue

Tracking Your Equipment

A Stroll Through Your Warehouse: Standards Compliance in Equipment Storage Areas

Marketing & Accreditation: Why Does It Matter?

Coordination of Care

Quality Improvement

Delivery Vehicles & Accreditation: Everything You Need to Know

O2 Orders 101

What to Expect During an Accreditation Survey

Top Ten Deficiencies & How to Prevent Them

Using Clinical Respiratory Services to Enhance Your Business

Helping Your Customers Understand Their Financial Responsibility

Law & Regulation: An Accreditation Issue?

“Ride Alongs:” A Useful Tool for Your Company

Retail Showrooms & Your Accreditation Survey

Protecting Patient Privacy: HIPAA & Beyond

4 Easy Steps to Ensure Your Warehouse Meets HME Accreditation Standards

3 Keys to an HME Accreditation-Compliant Delivery Vehicle

4 Best Practices for Managing DME Employee Competence

DME Accreditation: How to Improve Quality & Performance Documentation

Most Common Accreditation Deficiencies in Patient Files

Keeping Up With HME Accreditation Standards

Creating a Thorough HME Complaint Process

HME Accreditation for Medical Practices: Frequently Asked Questions

Heroes Among Us

Who is Anti-Quality? 4 Ways to Improve Your HME Business

Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Plans for HME Accreditation

5 Accreditation Rules for Infection Control

How to Simplify HME Accreditation Compliance Maintenance

Top Accreditation Deficiencies and How to Avoid Them

CMS Clarifies Quality Standards and K0005 - Ultra Light Weight Wheelchairs

Creating Quality By Working Together

Common Deficiencies of Personnel Files

HME Cleaning Processes and Policies