What Goes on the Truck (and What Doesn’t)

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Thu, Sep 14, 2023 @ 11:43 AM

I’m not going to name names, but many years ago, as a young surveyor, I was inspecting delivery vehicles at a place (the location will remain unnamed) and observed one of the worst safety hazards I ever saw in my career. A delivery technician who covered a two-state territory had been in the adjacent state where fireworks were legal, and decided to stock up for the

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Topics: HME Accreditation Requirements, Avoiding Deficiencies, Delivery, Oxygen, Equipment

Mission & Vision: The First Standard for a Reason

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Tue, Aug 15, 2023 @ 02:45 PM

The very first standard in the HQAA Accreditation Standards is ORG 1 MISSION & VISION. The “mission & vision” standard is the first standard for a reason: the mission and vision set the tone for your organization’s corporate culture and define who you are and why you exist. They represent not only what your organization does, but why it does it. The “how it does it” will come later with the various policies & procedures, but this first standard talks about something more basic and philosophical.

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Topics: HME Accreditation Requirements

Happy New Fiscal Year

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Mon, Jul 10, 2023 @ 04:12 PM

Calendar year is a very predictable January 1-December 31 each year. With very few exceptions, this is “the year” and most folks say “Happy New Year” on January 1st. The exception to that is in the world of business—where there are arcane and unusual, but well thought out, differences and exceptions.

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Topics: Quality Improvement, Quality Standards, Process Improvement, Avoiding Deficiencies, Disaster Preparedness, Business Practices, Equipment

The Human Resource File

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Mon, Jun 19, 2023 @ 10:54 AM

Accreditation documentation requirements for the human resource files are relatively straightforward, yet the human resource (“HR”) standards continue to be some of the most frequently cited standards and generate the most questions from DME customers. HQAA’s recent standards revisions and updates included several of the HR standards. This fact, along with the continued questions and citations for HR standards suggest it was time to revisit the personnel file and review expectations.

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Topics: Employee Training, Personnel Files, Renewing Accreditation, HQAA Accreditation, HME Accreditation Requirements, Avoiding Deficiencies

The Value of Conventions, Conferences, and In-Person Seminars

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Wed, May 03, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

During that little pandemic thing we dealt with 2020-2022, our structure, processes, and even values changed in many ways. It can be argued that many of these changes made us stronger, more flexible, and more efficient. Think of things like teleconferencing for meetings, billers working from home, porch drop off deliveries, and virtual equipment set up/instruction. We, as an industry, were pretty resilient. Some of the changes however were generally perceived to be negatives. For instance: we lost in-person customer service skills. Good, bad, or indifferent, our industry adapted to these changes quickly. In some cases, it’s safe to say we’re never going back.

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Topics: Employee Training, Quality Improvement, Process Improvement, Business Practices, Equipment

'Best If Used By...’ --A Look at Products with Expiration Dates & How They Are Surveyed

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Tue, Apr 11, 2023 @ 03:17 PM

A woman in the grocery store who happened to be in line in front of me realized an item she was buying from the frozen food section was past its expiration date by about a month. She came to this realization perusing her items and just in time to bring it to the check-out clerk’s attention. The clerk admitted she didn’t realize frozen food even HAD an expiration date, and called a stock boy over to replace the item. The woman turned to me to apologize for the delay and said something about how the quality control in the store wasn’t what it used to be.

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Topics: Quality, Process Improvement, Retail, Delivery, Oxygen, Warehouse, Customer Service, Business Practices

Creative Ways to Deal with Supply Chain Issues

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Tue, Mar 07, 2023 @ 02:45 PM

From coffee shops to hardware stores, home appliances to automobiles, food at grocery stores and restaurants, lumber, paint, clothing, eggs, and even DMEPOS…. how many times have you heard the phrase “supply chain issues” in the last few years? Along with a crippling pandemic, staffing shortages, and a couple major equipment recalls, supply chain issues were something we all had to cope with and learn to work around in the marketplace. It became an almost mantra-like excuse, explaining away why goods were not available, or why there were delays, or why the cost of product and shipping was rising so dramatically.

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Topics: Showroom, Retail, Warehouse

HQAA Standards Version 3.0

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Thu, Feb 09, 2023 @ 03:45 PM

On February 2nd, the movie “GROUNDHOG DAY” played almost continuously on a cable station.  You couldn’t miss it if you tried.  Funny, and –dare I say— “timeless”, the movie is about a guy stuck in a pattern of repeating the day over and over and over again.  Humor ensues, but the theme is his frustration with living the same tired old day out repeatedly.  It’s very frustrating to see the same mistakes made repeatedly and its human nature to try to correct those mistakes.  Thus, the revised standards.

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Topics: HME Accreditation Requirements

A New Year: A New Company

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Wed, Jan 04, 2023 @ 03:41 PM

2023. We’re twenty-three years into the new millennium.  Medicare is close to sixty years old. Time is marching on quickly—relentlessly, some would say.  New Year’s Eve parties continue the great tradition of partying into the wee hours, ringing in the New Year with a toast, and getting up January 1st with a renewed optimism, a positive outlook on life, and a list of resolutions to improve.  You might say it is a great example of continuous quality improvement.  

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Topics: Employee Training, Security, Quality Improvement, Renewing Accreditation, Compliance, Process Improvement, Materials Management, Showroom, Retail, Warehouse, Work, Disaster Preparedness, Business Practices, Marketing, Equipment

Jim Moyer: When Friends Retire

Posted by Steve DeGenaro on Wed, Dec 07, 2022 @ 10:43 AM

When you reach a certain age, your friends start to retire. Every group of friends has a guy (or a girl, as the case may be) who is the “pioneer”—the first to retire. He or she reports back to the circle of friends on how it feels. What Medicare and Social Security is like to experience on your own. How you fill your days. Sleeping in. Going to the coffee shop with your fellow retirees. Working on all the projects, hobbies, and activities that you’ve been putting off for the many, many years. My friends started to retire a few years ago and they describe retirement in fairly glowing terms ranging from “not that bad” to “the best part of my life.” It’s a weird feeling—something akin to realizing that it snuck up on you. But I’m at that point in my life where friends retire.

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