HQAA Accreditation Process FAQ

Q. What should I look for in an HME accreditation company?
A: HQAA offers a new methodology to the accreditation options. The standards were designed and developed with the HME provider in mind — they are not created for another industry and then applied to the HME business. The process is paperless, interactive using a web-based design, user friendly and respectful of your time and pressure constraint.
Q. Why should I look for an online HME accreditation company?
A: A paperless process. Opportunity to work on accreditation anywhere you have a computer and Internet access and accreditation coaches to assist throughout the entire document review process.
Q. Is HQAA just for small dealers?
A: No, the product is designed for all HME providers.
Q. How long will it take to complete the accreditation process?
A: That is a very individualized question. It does matter how prepared you are going into the process. It also depends upon how much time you dedicate per week/month and how you want to design your timeline. The average time is 3-6 months to get through the document review portion.
Q. Will all of my employees be able to log in and work on accreditation?
A: There will be one user name and password assigned. It will be up to the discretion of the main user as to who has access.
Q. I am a new start-up company, can I begin the process before I have “officially“ opened for business?
A: Yes, you can begin the online document review process as soon as we receive your application. Your company will need to be “officially” opened for business before we will schedule your organization for your on-site survey.
Q. When it’s time for my survey, where will the surveyor be coming from?
A: Our surveyors are located throughout the country. When it’s time for your survey, we select the surveyor most compatible with your organization and the services you provide.
Q. Will I need a consultant to assist me?
A: That is completely up to you. We have created this process to be very user friendly and offer an assigned HQAA coach to assist you all the way through.
Q. What is the cost of HQAA accreditation?
A: Click on "Accreditation Fees" for more information.
Q. What about pharmacy accreditation?
A: CMS has indicated that if a pharmacy provides HME and bills Medicare, they will have to be accredited. HQAA accredits pharmacies with HME; it is the HME portion that is accredited. The pharmacy does not receive a pharmacy accreditation per se; it receives an HME accreditation within a pharmacy.
Q. Must you have both a NPI number and Medicare number to participate in NCB?
A: The Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor’s website will have the answer to this question: http://www.dmecompetitivebid.com/cbic/cbic.nsf/(pages)/home
Ensure you have your NPI number before the deadline.
Q. If I am going to submit a bid, do I need to be accredited first?
A: The Competitive Acquisition Final Rule CMS-1270-F states that a company submitting a bid must have submitted their application before they have submitted a bid and will be expected to have completed the accreditation process before a contract is awarded.